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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Stone

Stop Using Dave-ish as a Positive Term

Updated: Feb 15, 2021

[Note: Edited from the original post for clarity.]

If you're using the term "Dave-ish" (AKA "ish") as a positive term to describe anything not 100% in line with Ramsey's program, then stop it. Stop it now. You sound ridiculous using the term to describe yourself. You wouldn't call yourself a retard if you had a mental disability or a cripple for a physical disability. Even if you prefer these terms, others do not, and rightfully so. These terms went out of favor years ago and are now considered offensive. Dave-ish may not be as offensive, but it's derogatory. So why in the world would you call yourself Dave-ish?

That said, you may just be ignorant of how pejorative the term is, so we'll help you out. Ramsey is threatened by any program other than his, especially ones that advocate things like credit scores and mathematics over psychology. The evidence of his fear is how loudly he whines about it and his constant use of Dave-ish to mock and ridicule people who don't follow his plan to the letter. He has gone on several tirades about Dave-ish, each tantrum more childish than the last. He calls people Dave-ish to deride and intimidate them, and his zealots follow suit. Worse, people identify as Dave-ish in a positive way.

"Do your plan and fail or do my plan and succeed," Ramsey bellows from behind his microphone (a false dichotomy logical fallacy, by the way). Don't believe it. There are many ways to achieve the same goal, many paths to reach the same destination.

Aside from Dave-ish being derogatory, it's inherently flawed for several reasons.

First, Dave-ish doesn't work by Ramsey's definition. So if your plan works, then you're not being witty or cute by calling your methodology Dave-ish. Unfortunately, you look like a fool.

Second, Dave-ish has a logical fallacy built into it, specifically the straw man fallacy. Ramsey cannot argue head-on with other programs that work, so he builds his own argument he calls Dave-ish and then proves how it doesn't work (e.g., indiscriminate credit usage, car leasing, spending more than you make). He then says, "what you're doing is Dave-ish", thus "proving" your plan doesn't work (even though it does).

Finally, Dave-ish gives Ramsey undue credit. If your program works, then why attribute it to Dave Ramsey, the very person who ridicules you for not bowing down to him and doing exactly what he says? Leave his name out of it and call it something else. We call ours the Stone Money Foundations because they aren't "ish" anything and have nothing to do with Dave Ramsey.

Don't use Dave-ish unless you want to look like a fool.

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